Ocala Youth Symphony

Ocala Youth Symphony - Encouraging Excellence in Young Musicians


Concert Schedule

 Ocala Youth Symphony Concert Schedule

                                            26th Season


December 6,2024  Concert Under the Lights, Reilly Arts Center 7PM, (outside stage)

December 8, 2024 OYS Christmas concert  3PM First Christian Church Sanctuary, 1908 E. Ft. King St., Ocala Fl


March 9,  Concert at Countryside Presbyterian Church 3 pm.  Located  at 7768 SW Hwy 200, Ocala FL.

April 13, 2025 Concert at the  Appleton Musem at 3pm.  4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala Fl

April 27, 2025 at 3pm.  Reilly Arts Center  500 NE 9th St.  Ocala Fl